2021-10-26T23:08:31-04:00Mar 11, 2020|

Financial goal setting and investing

Financial goal setting and investing
Past Webinar

Watch the Webinar

Duration: 1 hour

The journey to achieving key aspects of your Canadian dream such as buying a house, purchasing a car, or saving for your children’s tuition, begins with setting financial goals and planning your investments. Similar to your home country, Canada has a variety of financial products to suit every goal, and create a plan that works for you. Topics include:

  • Financial goal setting
  • Types of investment plans and products in Canada
  • Importance of financial investments
  • Tips and recommendations for investing
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Who is presenting the webinar?

  • Rahim Patel, Financial Planner at RBC
  • Jean Koshy, Marketing Strategy Manager at United Way Greater Toronto
  • Sonia Sidhu, Product Lead at Arrive

Who is this webinar for?

Newcomers in post-arrival.