Frequently asked questions


Getting started

How can Arrive help me?2022-06-13T22:24:35-04:00

Arrive is a digital platform that helps newcomers, like yourself, prepare for their move to Canada, settle in to their new life here, find meaningful employment and thrive.

Arrive provides detailed and up-to-date information on hundreds of topics to help newcomers to Canada know what to expect so they can effectively prepare for their upcoming move to Canada. Check out our free articles, guides, tools, and webinars.

Our team has a deep understanding of the newcomer experience: many of us are former newcomers and we are in constant contact with newcomers preparing for their journey and recently arrived in Canada. We create content founded on research and the lived experience of the many newcomers whose inspiring stories you can find on the Arrive blog.

How can I contact Arrive if I am interested in working together?2022-06-06T11:42:17-04:00

If you are interested in partnering with Arrive, please send an email to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

How can I contact Arrive when I need help?2022-06-06T11:41:15-04:00

If you wish to speak with someone from the Arrive team, send an email to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

How is RBC related to Arrive?2023-10-18T09:03:19-04:00

Arrive is a platform operated by Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). As the largest bank in Canada* and one of the largest businesses (with over 80k employees worldwide), RBC has had a longstanding mandate of helping newcomers to Canada.

*Based on market capitalization

Which countries does Arrive primarily cater?2022-06-05T21:32:08-04:00

Arrive is available to all newcomers to Canada, no matter where in the world they are from

Why is Arrive free?2024-06-07T14:54:16-04:00

Arrive is operated by the Royal Bank of Canada (“RBC”, Canada’s largest bank*). In collaboration with RBC, Arrive is dedicated to helping newcomers achieve their life, career, and financial goals in Canada. 

RBC wants to help newcomers feel at home and thrive in Canada. You are in no way required to open an RBC bank account to use Arrive however RBC hopes to someday win your banking business.

*Based on market capitalization

Is Arrive a virtual-only platform?2023-05-11T09:16:14-04:00

Arrive is a 100% virtual platform, however, you can get one-on-one in-person or virtual support from an RBC Newcomer Advisor by booking an appointment.

Is Arrive a non-profit organization?2024-06-07T14:52:16-04:00

No, Arrive is not a non-profit organization. Arrive is operated by the Royal Bank of Canada (“RBC”, Canada’s largest bank*). In collaboration with RBC, Arrive is dedicated to helping newcomers achieve their life, career, and financial goals in Canada. 

*Based on market capitalization

Employment in Canada

How can I apply to jobs in Canada?2022-06-14T12:03:00-04:00

A good way to look for jobs in a specific field and/or area is to apply filters and narrow your search on job sites such as Indeed (, Monster (, LinkedIn (, and Glassdoor ( Additionally, networking with industry professionals will help too.

You will also find many useful tips and information about job searching in Canada in our career guide and networking guide:

The Guide to Starting your Career in Canada

The Guide to Networking for Newcomers to Canada

You can also download our free Canadian resume templates in order to craft a resume that works for the Canadian job market. Do remember that you will need to adapt this resume for each and every single job you apply to for best results.

Can Arrive help me find a job?2022-06-14T11:58:55-04:00

We do not provide employment services such as recommending or referring recruiters, consultants, or headhunters but we can assist you with templates and helpful information that can give you a head start to find a job in Canada. Here are some tips to help you with your job search:

The Guide to Starting your Career in Canada

Canadian job market guide

Networking for newcomers to Canada

Canadian resume and cover letter templates

Immigration to Canada

How to move to Canada and get permanent residence (PR)?2022-06-13T21:59:43-04:00

Please refer to our immigration guide to learn an overview of various immigration programs that allow you to move to Canada.

How do I apply for a work permit in Canada?2022-06-13T22:04:42-04:00

Please refer to this article to get information about getting a Canadian work permit.

Can Arrive help me immigrate to Canada or obtain a work permit?2022-06-13T22:03:40-04:00

No, Arrive is not a replacement for Canadian immigration lawyers or licensed Canadian immigration consultants, and hence, we are not authorized to provide any immigration-related or work permit-related legal advice or opinions through our website or as part of our services. Any information or content provided by Arrive is being provided solely for informational purposes.

You are advised to seek immigration advice by contacting a Canadian immigration lawyer or licensed immigration consultant.

Download the Guide to Immigrating to Canada to get an understanding of which Immigration options exist, in order to determine which may be best adapted to your situation.

Life in Canada

How to rent your first home in Canada?2022-06-13T21:46:54-04:00

Please refer to the following articles to get information about renting your first home in Canada:

Newcomer’s Guide to Finding Accommodation in Canada:

How to rent your first home as a newcomer in Canada:

Questions to ask a landlord or realtor before you rent:

How to rent a place without credit history in Canada?

How to apply for a driver license in my province?2022-06-13T21:53:58-04:00

Please refer to below links for detailed information about how to apply for a driver license in your province:

How to apply for a driver license in Alberta:

How to apply for a driver license in British Columbia:

How to apply for a driver license in Nova Scotia:

How to apply for a driver license in Ontario:

How to apply for a driver license in Quebec:

How to apply for a driver license in Saskatchewan:

How to apply for a health card in my province?2022-06-13T21:55:42-04:00

Please refer to below links for detailed information about how to get a health card in your province:

How to apply for a health card in Alberta:

How to apply for a health card in British Columbia:

How to apply for a health card in Nova Scotia:

How to apply for a health card in Ontario:

How to apply for a health card in Quebec:

How to apply for a health card in Saskatchewan:

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