A Guide to Filling Income Taxes as a Newcomer to Canada
Understand the ins and outs of tax season in Canada
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What you’ll find inside
- Common questions about filing taxes as a newcomer to Canada
- Common tax terms you should know
- Types of income in Canada
- Information on tax credits
- Preparing to file your taxes
- Understanding your T4 (Statement of Remuneration Paid) slip
- Filing taxes for the part of the tax year you were not in Canada
- Filing taxes as a student in Canada
- Tax implications of owning property before coming to Canada
Updated for 2022 tax season

Who is this guide for?
This guide is written for newcomers and international students who are filing taxes in Canada for the first time. If this is your first year as a tax resident in Canada, this guide will ensure that you’re familiar with how taxes work in Canada, the tax filing process, and tax credits that you may be eligible for as a newcomer.
For many newcomers filing your taxes for the first time can be a little daunting and confusing. It’s important you understand how taxes work, the way taxes impact life in Canada, the importance of paying your taxes on time every year to avoid penalties, and how to maximize your tax refund.
In this guide, we will take you through the key points that are essential during your first year in Canada. We’ll list the terms that will need to become familiar, guide you through the steps to prepare your income tax return, and suggest free services that can help you file your taxes. Our goal with this guide is to make sure you’re prepared to manage the expectations that come with paying taxes in Canada.
This guide is intended to provide you with general information about income taxes but it should not be viewed as providing tax, accounting or other professional advice. Even with all the detailed information in this guide, fully comprehending how taxes work in Canada is still complicated. For questions relating to your specific situation, please refer to a tax specialist (see the resources listed at the end of the guide).