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HousingMay 25, 2021

Questions to ask a landlord or realtor before you rent

Whether you’re a first-time renter or a veteran tenant, the process of renting a place in a new country can make you anxious, especially if you’re not completely familiar with the local norms and guidelines. In major Canadian cities, finding a place to rent without credit history can be a [...]

HousingAug 23, 2023

Rent-to-own: Buying a home in Canada as a newcomer

As a newcomer, owning a home in Canada may be the ultimate dream—an unmistakable sign that you’ve settled down in your new country. However, in the current economic situation where house prices are at their peak and interest rates are high, buying a home within a few years of [...]

ChineseTranslatedMay 26, 2023


Read this article in English here. 迁居加拿大后,寻找住处是大多数新移民首先要做的一件事情。与任何国际旅行一样,新移民通常在到达前会预订最初的住所。他们通常会首选通常在临时住所(如酒店、旅社、公寓、共管式公寓或独栋房屋)度过最初的几天或几周,有时甚至可能是几个月。 对于更永久的长期住所,新移民通常会选择租房作为在加拿大的第一个家,而不是直接买房。 根据你要移居的加拿大城市的租赁市场的供求关系和空置率,寻找到住所需要的时间可能会有所不同。由于与信用记录和就业证明相关的原因,许多新来者会发现在多伦多这样的大城市很难找到租到房子。但是,如果你打算住在郊区或中小城市,那找到住所可能相对要容易一些。 在这篇文章中,我们将提供租房涉及的所有规范、要求和流程指南,以便你能够在走下飞机后做到胸有成竹,做好准备,满怀信心地在加拿大开启新的生活篇章。  新移民如何在加拿大租到第一套房子 第一步:决定你租房的方式,是自己找房源还是通过房产经纪人 在加拿大寻找住所有以下两种方法。你可以: 1.通过各种线上和线下途径自己寻找:可以访问像ViewIt和 Condos.ca 这样的网站,了解不同区块的租金水平。如果希望找到更好的房源,可以使用 Craigslist、Kijiji、Zumper 和 Padmapper 等网站/应用。此外,还有一些各省内流行的选项值得参考,例如 Home Zone on Facebook(适用于多伦多和大多伦多地区)以及 Winnipeg Rental Network(适用于温尼伯省)。上述所有网站都是房源信息的汇集公司,因此能为租户提供直接与房东联系的渠道。  提示:如果某套房源信息看起来好到不真实,那就可能是骗局。在亲自核实住所并签署相应文件之前,不要支付任何费用。 2.聘用房产经纪人/房产中介:有很多房产经纪人和房产中介可以帮你寻找到住所。Realtor.ca 是一个寻找经纪人/中介的好去处。你也可以浏览ViewIt和 Condos.ca 等网站上的房源信息;每个房源信息通常都会列出房产经纪人的名字和联系信息,让你可以联系他们。   每种方式都有自己的优缺点。以下是一些你需要考虑的因素: 自己寻找房源 聘用房产经纪人 优点 你可以在网上查看各种选择,然后慢慢筛选。 与聘用房产经纪人相比,有可能找到价格更低的房源。 无需向房产经纪人支付佣金;佣金由房东支付,而不是租客。 房产经纪人可提供关于全部所需文件的指导,并帮你处理从开始到结束的整个租房过程。 获得的房源信息全部真实;受骗的可能性较小。 房产经纪人可以提供丰富的行业知识和经验。 省时无压力。 缺点 耗时,需要进行大量的研究,并付出大量精力。 如果查询到非法房源,则可能会被骗。 租房时可能很发现对方的非法行为。 你需要自己弄清楚并管理好所有的文件。 由于房东需要向房产经纪人支付佣金,这笔费用可能会转嫁到租金中。 [...]

CareerMay 4, 2023

Most in-demand jobs in Quebec for newcomers

As the only primarily French-speaking province in Canada, Quebec is culturally distinct from other provinces and territories. For many Francophone newcomers, settling in Quebec is an obvious choice and the province welcomes between 30,000 and 50,000 newcomers each year. The provincial government invites newcomers with the skills and experience [...]

Living in Halifax, Nova Scotia as a newcomer to Canada

Choosing a city to settle in is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a newcomer moving to Canada. Newcomers are often attracted to major cities since they offer a good quality of life, established job markets, cultural diversity, and inclusive environments. Halifax, Nova Scotia checks all [...]

CareerJan 14, 2022

Most in-demand jobs in Nova Scotia for newcomers

The Atlantic province of Nova Scotia is a popular choice for newcomers looking to move to Canada. Halifax, the capital city, accounts for nearly 85 per cent of all jobs in Nova Scotia. Overall, newcomers make up over six per cent of Nova Scotia’s population and a vast majority [...]

CareerJan 12, 2022

Most in-demand jobs in Saskatchewan for newcomers

The province of Saskatchewan, also called the “Land of the Living Skies,” is located in central Canada. Blessed with an abundance of natural resources, Saskatchewan’s economy relies on the mining and oil and gas sector. While a significant portion of the province is rural and agrarian, the multicultural cities of [...]

CareerJan 6, 2022

Most in-demand jobs in Alberta for newcomers

The province of Alberta is well-known for its wealth of natural resources, including its productive oil sands. Alberta’s multicultural cities are a destination of choice for newcomers from all over the world. The government of Alberta regularly invites newcomers with the skills and experience to meet the province’s growing labour [...]

CareerDec 30, 2021

Most in-demand jobs in British Columbia (B.C.) for newcomers

British Columbia is Canada’s third most populous province after Ontario and Quebec, with a large portion of its residents living in the Lower Mainland, which includes the coastal city of Vancouver and surrounding municipalities. The province attracts newcomers from all over the world with its cultural diversity, career opportunities, and [...]

CareerDec 29, 2021

Most in-demand jobs in Ontario for newcomers

Ontario is one of the most popular provinces among newcomers. Its cultural diversity, economic prosperity, and ever-growing job market are just some of the reasons newcomers from across the world choose to settle in Ontario.  The government of Ontario periodically invites newcomers with the skills and experience to meet the [...]

HousingJul 5, 2021

How to end your tenancy early in Canada

Finding your first home in Canada is exciting, but what happens if you need to end your tenancy early? There can be many reasons to want out of a lease, from landing a new job, to family emergencies, or health concerns. However, if you’ve signed a lease, it’s not as [...]

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