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What does COVID-19 mean for pre-arrivals to Canada

  Note Effective October 2022, the Government of Canada has removed all COVID-19 related travel restrictions, including vaccination and testing requirements, quarantine, the mandatory use of ArriveCAN, and masking in public places. However, as the pandemic evolves, travel restrictions may continue to be updated, so please check the [...]

CareerOct 18, 2019

Connections help you get your foot in the door: Paulo’s story

My name is Paulo Mattos and I moved to Toronto in 2018 as an international student from Brazil. I am a business development professional with over a decade of experience working in the real estate and tourism industries. I graduated with a degree in international business and business administration from [...]

FinanceSep 19, 2019

Top four challenges faced by international students

This article was originally featured on the RBC Discover Blog Series.  Canada attracts students from all parts of the globe — China to India to Korea to France — making it a multicultural haven. According to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) student data, in 2018, there were 572,000 international [...]

CareerJun 28, 2023

10 newcomer tips to find a job in Canada

Finding your first job in Canada as a newcomer isn’t always easy. Navigating your way through a new job market and work culture requires preparation and dedicated effort. Whether it’s building your network, perfecting your resume, or getting some much-needed Canadian experience, there’s a lot you should be [...]

ChineseTranslatedMay 26, 2023


Read this article in English here. 2020 年 10 月,加拿大宣布提高年度移民目标,准备在 2021 年至 2023 年期间通过各种移民计划接纳大约 120 万新移民。如果你一直在考虑作为永久居民或学生移民加拿大,没有比这更好的时机了!  在申请过程中,你可能需要向加拿大移民、难民及公民部 (IRCC) 提交一些基本文件。这些文件会给你的申请加分,增加你移民加拿大的机会。这些文件包括教育证书评估 (ECA) 报告、语言测试结果(雅思、思培、TEF 或 TCF)、工作经历函等。请注意,证书的评估和认可过程需要花费时间并支付费用,所以一定要尽早开始,并为此留出预算。 在本文中,我们将深入说明获得证书评估的详细信息,介绍应该评估哪些证书,并提供获得授权执行教育证书评估的机构信息。  评估证书的好处 评估证书有助于: 向潜在雇主展示你的资质; 了解你可能有资格从事的工作类型;  了解你的证书是否满足在加拿大工作的标准;以及  了解是否需要更多培训、教育或加拿大工作经验。  提示:加拿大学位、文凭或证书不需要评估。只有外国证书才需要接受教育证书评估。 教育证书评估 (ECA) 是什么意思? 教育证书评估 (ECA) 用于验证你的外国学位、文凭或证书(或其他证书证明)是否有效且等同于加拿大学位、文凭或证书。教育证书评估存在不同类型。你需要接受专门针对移民目的的教育证书评估。 注意:教育证书评估报告可能有助于你找工作。但它并不能保证: 找到你所在领域或某一级别的工作,或  获取从事受管制职业(工作)的执照。 如果你计划在受管制领域(例如,医生、律师、工程师、药剂师、会计师等)工作,必须在你计划定居的省或地区获得执照。 应该评估哪些教育证书? 大多数情况下,只需要评估最高学历,如文凭、证书、外国学位或其他教育证明。例如,如果你拥有硕士学位,只有该学位需要接受评估,学士学位则不需要。 要获得两个或以上证书的积分,每份证书都需要评估。要获得一个以上教育证书的满分,至少有一个证书的学习时间必须为三年或以上。获得证书的顺序不会影响你的积分。 受管制职业、专业和行业 受管制工作由省或地区法律控制,有时受联邦法律控制,由监管机构或学徒管理机构管理。受监管工作也被称为专业职业、技工工作或学徒制工作。专业职业包括医生、律师、药剂师、建筑师和工程师等工作。技工工作或学徒制工作包括面包师、木匠和电工等工作。如果你想在一个行业工作,请访问 Red Seal,了解你需要满足的培训、技能和经验要求的更多详细信息。 要从事受管制工作并使用受管制职称,则必须在你想要工作的省份或地区拥有执照或证书,或者在监管机构注册。在加拿大,某些专业职业可能在某些省份和地区受监管,但在其他地方不受监管。你在特定省份或地区工作的执照在其他地区可能不被接受。 [...]

ImmigrationJan 10, 2023

Living in Hamilton, Ontario as a newcomer in Canada

As a newcomer moving to Canada, there are several factors you should consider before deciding which city to settle in. From the ease of finding a job in your industry to the cost of living and availability of amenities, your new home in Canada should offer everything you need [...]

FinanceStudyingDec 25, 2022

Scholarship opportunities for international students in Canada

Pursuing a university or college education in Canada can open many career doors, but unfortunately tuition usually doesn’t come cheap. Tuition fees alone can cost tens of thousands of dollars per year, depending on your school and program of choice. In addition, international students in Canada spend anywhere between [...]

StudyingDec 23, 2022

Best Canadian universities for medicine and healthcare programs

As an international student, getting a Canadian degree in medicine or healthcare can unlock exciting career opportunities. Medical and healthcare professionals are in demand in nearly all Canadian provinces and, with a Canadian degree in these fields, you’ll obtain both academic and practical knowledge. If you’re in the process [...]

Living in Markham as a newcomer

Planning a move to Canada requires preparation and, as a newcomer, choosing where to settle will be one of your top decisions. Like many newcomers, you may be considering Toronto or one of its surrounding cities for your new home. As Canada’s largest metropolitan city, it promises a good quality [...]

Living in Mississauga, Ontario as a Newcomer

As you plan your move to Canada, Toronto and its surrounding cities may be on your list of potential places to live in. Most newcomers to Canada are drawn to metropolitan hubs since they offer a good quality of life, well-established job markets, cultural diversity, and inclusive environments. However, you [...]

Living in Brampton, Ontario as a Newcomer

As a newcomer planning your move to Canada, choosing a city in which to settle is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Many newcomers to Canada consider moving to Toronto or a city in the Greater Toronto Area where they believe they’ll experience a good quality of [...]

Living in Greater Vancouver as a newcomer to Canada

As you plan your move to Canada, Vancouver and Toronto may be on your shortlist of potential cities to live in. Most newcomers to Canada are drawn to metropolitan hubs since they offer a good quality of life, well-established job markets, cultural diversity, and inclusive environments.  [...]

HousingApr 18, 2022

Renting a basement apartment in Canada: Tips for newcomers

As a newcomer, the first step to settling down in Canada is finding long-term accommodation. However, renting your first home in Canada comes with several challenges. Since rents are fairly high in most Canadian cities, affordability may be an issue until you find a suitable job. In addition, most [...]

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