
Articles and resources to help plan your finances and prepare for life in Canada.

FinanceJun 11, 2021

How to build a secure financial future for you and your family in Canada

From an interview with Wanzi Silva, Financial Advisor, RBC.   Wanzi Silva is a financial advisor at RBC Newcomer Meeting place – a unique Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) branch that supports new immigrants with their banking, employment and settlement needs in Canada. She moved to Canada with her family [...]

FinanceHousingJun 9, 2021

How to Save for a Down Payment for a Home in Canada

House hunting in Canada as a newcomer can be a challenging process, but it doesn’t have to be a confusing one. Saving for a downpayment takes time and dedication. Sometimes, it means cutting back on spending in other areas like travel and dining out while [...]

FinanceApr 13, 2021

Building an emergency fund: Tips for newcomers to Canada

One of the things the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us is that life can be unpredictable. Whether it is a drop or loss of income, paying a huge sum for an unplanned expense, or having to make sudden trips back home to visit family, unfortunate and unexpected events can happen [...]

FinanceApr 5, 2021

Understanding how interest rates work in Canada

When moving to a new country, your finances are an important part of setting in. Most newcomers start off with opening a savings and a chequing account at a bank of their choice and then graduate to other investment and credit products.    As you settle in, you’ll have to make [...]

FinanceApr 5, 2021

Canadian finances 101: What you should know as a newcomer

Canada’s financial ecosystem is made up of banks, credit unions, trusts, and other financial and insurance companies and it is considered to be one of the most sound and safest in the world. According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2019, published by the World Economic Forum, Canada ranked 9th [...]

FinanceApr 2, 2021

How financial advisors can help you as a newcomer in Canada

Navigating financial and investment products in a new country can be complicated, especially if you don’t have a background in finance. As a newcomer in Canada, having someone who understands the newcomer experience, and whom you can rely on for sound financial advice is important. In most cases, a professional [...]

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