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ImmigrationSep 23, 2024

How to Navigate the Complexities and Risks of Preparing an Immigration Application for Canada

Navigating the complexities of Canadian immigration can be a daunting task, with numerous risks and challenges at every step. From understanding ever-changing eligibility criteria to avoiding application pitfalls, managing financial components of your application, and preparing for career challenges, the journey to becoming a Canadian resident requires careful planning and [...]

How to find your first job in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Getting your first job in Canada is no easy feat. You may be unfamiliar with the Canadian job market and it can take some time to understand what employers are looking for in an ideal candidate. However, by preparing for your job [...]

Renting a home in Canada as a newcomer

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour If you’re moving to Canada in the coming weeks or months, finding a place to live in your new country will be a top priority. You’ll want to arrange temporary accommodation for your initial weeks before you arrive. This will serve as [...]

Planning for your first 3 months in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour When you’re moving to Canada, there’s a lot you’ll need to do in your initial three months, even as you settle into your new country. Your financial stability will be of utmost importance, so you’ll need to create a budget, open a [...]

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Getting ready to study in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour If you’re an international student and have received admission into a Canadian university or college, get ready to start your student journey in Canada. But first, you need to get a Canadian study permit. As you prepare for your studies in Canada, [...]

Banking for Newcomers to Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour As a newcomer to Canada, you can set the foundation for a secure financial future by learning how banking and finances work in your new home. You’ll need to understand the types of financial institutions and bank accounts in Canada to make [...]

Поширені випадки шахрайства, про які повинні знати новачки в Канаді

Read this article in English: Common scams that newcomers to Canada should know about Коли новачки переїжджають до Канади, їм зазвичай потрібно кілька місяців, щоб облаштуватися та ознайомитися з місцевим способом життя. Багато хто не знає про стандартні державні процеси або автентичні способи обміну банківською або особистою інформацією з організаціями, [...]

Networking for a Job in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Many newcomers underestimate the importance of networking in the Canadian work environment. Not only is networking a crucial part of Canadian culture, but it’s also the only way to tap into the hidden job market. The hidden job market comprises 60 - [...]

Your first 100 days in Canada as a Newcomer

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour 15 minutes As a newcomer, your first 100 days in Canada will be exciting and busy. You’ll spend this time settling down, familiarizing yourself with how things work in your new country, and adapting to your new life. Understanding the banking system [...]

About Arrive

Arrive is operated by Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), the largest bank in Canada* and one of the most reputed banks in the world, employing 80,000 people worldwide. In collaboration with RBC, Arrive is dedicated to helping newcomers achieve their life, career, and financial goals in Canada.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or its affiliates.

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