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So far clem has created 74 blog entries.

How to find your first job in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Getting your first job in Canada is no easy feat. You may be unfamiliar with the Canadian job market and it can take some time to understand what employers are looking for in an ideal candidate. However, by preparing for your job [...]

Planning for your first 3 months in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour When you’re moving to Canada, there’s a lot you’ll need to do in your initial three months, even as you settle into your new country. Your financial stability will be of utmost importance, so you’ll need to create a budget, open a [...]

Поширені випадки шахрайства, про які повинні знати новачки в Канаді

Read this article in English: Common scams that newcomers to Canada should know about Коли новачки переїжджають до Канади, їм зазвичай потрібно кілька місяців, щоб облаштуватися та ознайомитися з місцевим способом життя. Багато хто не знає про стандартні державні процеси або автентичні способи обміну банківською або особистою інформацією з організаціями, [...]

Getting ready to study in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour If you’re an international student and have received admission into a Canadian university or college, get ready to start your student journey in Canada. But first, you need to get a Canadian study permit. As you prepare for your studies in Canada, [...]

Arrive Guides

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Renting a home in Canada as a newcomer

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour If you’re moving to Canada in the coming weeks or months, finding a place to live in your new country will be a top priority. You’ll want to arrange temporary accommodation for your initial weeks before you arrive. This will serve as [...]

Networking for a Job in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Many newcomers underestimate the importance of networking in the Canadian work environment. Not only is networking a crucial part of Canadian culture, but it’s also the only way to tap into the hidden job market. The hidden job market comprises 60 - [...]

Your first 100 days in Canada as a Newcomer

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour 15 minutes As a newcomer, your first 100 days in Canada will be exciting and busy. You’ll spend this time settling down, familiarizing yourself with how things work in your new country, and adapting to your new life. Understanding the banking system [...]

Getting ready to study in Canada

Watch the Webinar Duration: 1 Hour If you’ve been accepted into a Canadian university or college, congratulations! Now all you need to do is get a study permit and you’ll be officially ready to start your life as an international student in Canada.  As you get ready to [...]

ChineseTranslatedJan 23, 2023


Read this article in English 作为加拿大新移民,确保您能够顺利获取从家乡携带的资金非常重要;您不仅需要在落地后用这些钱在机场办理手续,还需要用来支付基本商品和服务:从机场到住所的车程、您在落地后可能立即需要的食品杂货,等等。 要评估适当的方案,既要了解原籍国的银行监管制度,又要考虑如何从汇率中获益,因此经常让人陷入两难境地。通过这篇博客,您可以获得充分的信息,做到有备无患,自信地迈出您的加拿大之旅! 作为新移民,如何携带资金到加拿大 在我们最近的一篇博客“准备移民备用金的 7 种途径,让您在抵达加拿大时有备而来”中,我们简要地解释了您在抵达加拿大之前可以采取的一些举措,以确保顺利完成到加拿大的财务过渡。现在,我们来了解一下安全地将您的资金从原籍国转移到加拿大的必要步骤。 第一步:查看移民网站,了解入境加拿大时需要出示的定居资金限额 加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 规定了新移民以永久居民 (PR) 身份移居加拿大时应取得的最低定居资金额。这一金额取决于将与您一起迁入的家庭成员人数。最低资金额每年都会更新,所以一定要定期查看官方网站。 注: IRCC 上显示的金额反映了您作为技术工作者或资深贸易从业人员通过快速入境、省提名移民(专才计划)或其他类似移民计划移民加拿大时所需的最低资金额。唯一例外的情况是,如果您是以已经有加拿大境内工作经验的身份申请(具备加拿大工作经验类别),或者如果您已经有加拿大境内的工作机会,这种情况下,您不需要出示资金证明。 第二步:向原籍国的银行或金融机构咨询有关移民汇款的任何规章制度 向您的银行或金融机构咨询,了解您可以携带出境的资金额方面的法律法规。虽然加拿大对于您可以携带入境的资金额没有任何限制,但一些国家可能会限制您可以携带的现金或其他特定货币工具(如旅行卡或旅行支票)的金额。 第三步:收集相关文件以出示“资金证明” 所有以永久居民身份首次在加拿大落地的新移民都需要出示某些文件,确认他们符合 IRCC 规定的最低定居资金额要求。此类资金可以是您本人携带的款项、在加拿大银行的存款,或在您原籍国的存款。 入境口岸的官员可能会要求查看财务报告或银行资信证明等文件,以保证您可以使用申请中提到的资金。如果您的配偶与您同行,您可以出示联名账户或配偶账户中的金额,前提是您可以随时使用这些资金。 根据 IRCC 的规定,以下文件构成资金证明材料: 银行或金融机构(来自您的原籍国或加拿大)的资信证明信函,说明您持有的资金的详细情况。信函信头应该印有银行或金融机构的名称,并应包括: 联系方式信息(地址、电话号码、电子邮件地址) 您的姓名 您的未偿债务,如信用卡债务和贷款 当前的银行及投资账户、账号、各账户的开户日期、账户的当期余额及过去六个月的平均余额 请谨记! 锁定在不动产或财产中的资金不会计入您在加拿大的定居资金;在迁入加拿大之前,您可能得先行变现。您不能从其他人那里借钱,不管是家人还是朋友,并将其作为定居资金。 对于永久居民人员来说,在抵达前可以在多数大型加拿大银行,例如皇家银行、多伦多道明银行、加拿大丰业银行及蒙特利尔银行方便地开立银行账户,让您的资金能够相对轻松地电汇到加拿大。如果您决定在抵达前开立账户并转移您的资金,请务必收集适当的证明文件,证明您可以在加拿大取得这笔资金——这将被 视为资金证明。 此类银行资信证明和财务文件还可以辅以现金、股票、债券、企业债券、国库券、银行汇票、支票、国际汇票、旅行卡或旅行支票等作为证明,所有这些都可视为资金证明。 您也可以咨询您的原籍国银行与加拿大的任何一家银行是否有现行的银行业务关系。如果是,您可以获得更多的选择将资金汇入加拿大。 注: 在加拿大的头几周,最好在手头持有一些现金用于支付开销,因为清算银行汇票、支票或汇款单等货币工具可能需要较长的时间。务必与银行核实时间安排。电汇几乎是即时的,也是将资金带入加拿大的最快方式。不过,这也是最昂贵的选择之一。所以在寄钱到加拿大之前,一定要货比三家,评估您的选择。 为了让您顺利在加拿大安顿下来,IRCC 建议您尽可能多地携带现金。但是,如果您携带的现金达到或超过 1 万加元,您必须通过申报卡向海关边防官员申报。 第四步:在银行预约存款,进一步了解加拿大银行业务 最后,在抵境后的头几天内到银行分行开户也是不错的选择。大多数银行都在网站上提供了在线预约的选项,您甚至可以打电话预约。您可以在抵达加拿大之前或之后预约。银行顾问在介绍加拿大的银行和金融产品运作方面可以提供很多帮助,这是您难得的面对面咨询机会,有助于解决您的各种疑问! [...]

About Arrive

Arrive makes it easier for newcomers and international students to make a smooth landing in Canada by providing the information and guidance they need. Arrive provides up to date, informative articles, guides, webinars, digital tools and expert advice to help newcomers prepare for their arrival, and adapt to the Canadian job market and cultural landscape. Students can get ready for their Canadian studies, so that they are set up for academic and professional success in Canada.

Arrive is supported by Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), the largest bank in Canada* and one of the most reputed banks in the world, employing 80,000 people worldwide. This places us in a unique position to be able to help and support newcomers, like yourself, with credible and reliable resources that can help you get started while setting up a strong financial foundation in Canada.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or its affiliates.

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