2021-10-26T23:44:00-04:00Mar 11, 2020|

5 winning LinkedIn strategies for newcomers

5 winning LinkedIn strategies for newcomers
Past Webinar

Watch the Webinar

Duration: 30 minutes

As a newcomer, coming to Canada and finding a job can sometimes be a challenging experience. There are so many steps to take towards being workplace ready for the Canadian job market.

Did you know that LinkedIn is the top networking site with more than 10m active job postings and more than 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn regularly?

Watch our first webinar as we explore five winning LinkedIn strategies for newcomers.

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What will you learn?

  • Tricia Jose, Co-Founder of Arrive
  • Gaurav Kapoor, Senior Director at RBC Ventures

Who is this webinar for?

Newcomers in pre- and post-arrival.

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